Ponderings Along the Path for October 2023
by Nadine Boyd

There will be some duplicates of these columns from our chapter newsletters.  For example, when a newsletter spans 2 months, both months will share the same text.  Occasionally, an article for a given month in one year may be duplicated on or near that same month in a different year.


Dear Compassionate Friends:

.... Printed with permission from Crystal Stanley TCF

Carrying on
I was sitting outside this morning and just thinking. There's a difference between moving on and carrying on. Moving on is leaving something behind. Sometimes it really is best to move on. In the case of losing a child, a parent could never possibly move on.

Carrying on, is bringing it with you. Bereaved parents carry on. Carry on with their love for their child, with the memories, with the loss, with the sadness, and with all the weight of having to live a lifetime without them.

The burden of carrying on is so heavy that we have to stop so many times along the way. We have to stop and give their life the attention it deserves. Cry, smile, and laugh when remembering the good times, grieve over the sad memories we have, and grieve over the happy memories we realize we will never get the chance to have with them in this lifetime. Cry about the immense pain and rest. Rest before getting back up and carrying on.

Dear Compassionate Friends,
This month I would like to recognize and express appreciation on behalf of all the members of our Compassionate Friends group for all the effort and time that the members of our Steering Committee and volunteers devote to allow our chapter to exist—from offering a safe meeting place, to hosting special events to keep our children, grandchildren & sibling's memories alive.

We all know from experience what tremendous energy it takes healing from grief; just getting out of bed in the morning, putting one foot in front of the other and trying to get through the day. These volunteers devote a tremendous amount of time for everything from sending out caring notes to newly bereaved families to caring for the books in our library and schlepping them to the meeting, to facilitating meetings and planning & coordinating special events, very often for years and years. They do not do it for recognition, but to honor their deep love for their child and because there was someone else for them when they became a member of this group that no one wants to or should ever belong to. It truly does help to heal your own pain when you reach out to another in that pain. Please consider becoming more active in the group to help newer members. If you are interested please reach out to one of the steering committee members.

I wish you comfort and healing, and the peace that passes all understanding.

In friendship,